Welcome to our new blog. My goal with our blog is to enhance what we already have with the website, newsletter and FaceBook page. I will try to bring you news relevant to what is happening in our guild. If you would like to contribute an article let me know, please keep it geared toward the guild and our members interests.
The April meeting is fast approaching, are you bringing anything for show and tell? I hope so, I would love to post pictures of your quilts that you show every month here on the blog.
Our April meetings guest speaker is Sharon Schamber and she is also teaching a class and we are looking forward to her visit. I hope anyone who takes her class can give us an update on how it went. (I would love to hear from participants of past classes also)
Just a few pictures from March
I hope to see you at the April meeting. Keep Quilting!
Write a comment
Treese Pflum (Wednesday, 06 April 2016 23:28)
Nice addition to the guild. Love the photos from the last meeting too. Nice job Debra!
Kathleen Herring (Saturday, 09 April 2016 19:54)
Great start on the blog, Debra.