Officers for 2023-2024

President -- Tony DeZego

VP Facilities -- Judi Moran and Janna Calkins

VP Opportunity Quilt -- Alena Callimanis

VP Programs -- Cheryl Quesnell, Annie Houston and Nancy Wilhelm

Secretary -- Kathy Dunham

Treasurer -- Pat Siegel

Membership -- Stephanie Beasley and Marcia Ulrich

Parliamentarian -- Kathy Clewell

Philanthropy --  Treese Pflum

Committee Chairs

Historian -- Robert Tucker

Sew What Table -- Leslie Herbst

Email Blasts -- Debbie Carran

Block of the Month -- Jer Williams

Facebook -- Robert Tucker

Zoom -- Annie Houston

Website -- Kathleen Herring

2023-2024 Officers Installed at the May Meeting

A new board of officers were elected at our April meeting.  They will take office officially on July 1, 2023 but they were installed by Kathleen Herring at our May meeting.  They were given the "keys" to their various offices.  Congratulations and welcome our new board.


To contact any of the officers, send an email to