Cactus Sewables Quilt Guild
Yucca Valley Community Center, 57090 Twentynine Palms HIghway, Yucca Valley, CA
Pass Patchers Quilt Guild
Beaumont Civic Center, Beaumont, CA
Pick up a flyer at TrishTacSew or Quilter's Faire and join the fun.
34500 Gateway Drive
Suite 110
Palm Desert, CA
Business Hours:
Thursday - Saturday
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Beautiful selection of fabrics and supplies. She hosts classes and you are guaranteed a great time shopping and learning at The Quilters Faire.
She also has a blog so check it out while you are there.
TrishTacSew Quilt Shop & Sewing Classes
Ralph's Sewing & Vacuum
73-941 Hwy 111
Palm Desert, CA
Hrs: M-F 9 - 5:30
Sat 9 - 3:30
Sewing machines, machine repair, machine maintenance, notions, classes, sewing alterations
Coachella Valley-based Colourwerx owners Linda and Carl Sullivan have generously offered a 15% discount to guild members who purchase from their internet store at
At checkout just use the code: GOTCOLOUR
It is not a complete listing of every site that has free patterns, just some that have come to my attention. If you know of a good quilt pattern site or one that offers free tutorials let me know and I will get them listed.
Custom Pins -- Learn to embroider patches, quilts and other fabrics
Digitized Quilt Index
An Important Archive of New York Quilt History Is Being Digitized . “The vast majority of these quilts are not at the New York City museum, but are heirlooms in private collections, whether an attic in the Catskills or a quilt trunk in Brooklyn. AFAM received a grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) in January of 2017 to digitize the New York Quilt Project and add its records to the Quilt Index, a joint project of the Alliance for American Quilts, Michigan State University, and the Michigan State University Museum. The Quilt Index has quilts from across the United States, from Hawaii to Kansas, allowing users to compare various quilts between distant collections. AFAM has so far put about 1,500 quilts on